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Friday, July 31, 2009

been a time haven post..

anyway lets start with ming hao.. haha his first time to salon... he is really tensed up, and whole lot of us accompanying him.... but afterall his haircut was fine... nicer than his previous one of cuz..

later got to eat.. wl and bran bought their food and didnt eat.. cuz waiting for sly and soh ming.. i find it real stupid.. wats the point? if they really wanna wait then dun buy, if really wanna wait dun ask ppl go wait... but really no point waiting... after the wait soh ming still say such things... altho cant blame her since she knows nothing of the waiting...

whole day they keep waiting here and waiting there.. but when wait me and sly finish up the game, they no patience... assholes... if dun wan wait us then say la, if dun like us then say la.. but anyway i learnt my lesson, nv wait for anyone and have my own decision..

nowadays a lot of filing need to be done... after it is the VP gonna check our files... even tho i started filing since start of year, i still got my file a bit messed up.. so in the end gotta do filing a bit..

wah next week SPA coming le... scary.. but cant say too much... cannot leak info..

nowadays so many things happening... wl nowadays pull a long face... but oh well.. i am not close to him anymore, or am i? afterall it is their doings... maybe they are gonna deny it? leaving friends behind just for a girl... ouch! and i cant believe someone just abandon me and followed them, after saying those stuffs... wat a hypocrite, altho he keep saying other ppl is hypocrite....

and then this guy... dunno wat to say, keep repeating the same thing, spoil my bus journey and all... summary for him is irritating...

lets not talk about all the bad things.. spoil KS-sama mood... nowadays keep playing ragnarok... and my studiess... not neglecting exactly.. and yeah i have started reading newspaper everyday... nice tho.. but still not used to it... how i hope after o lvl i will have a nice time..

sometimes i have my inner conflicts about certain people... and it is because i read their body language and tone too much, rather than the words... i saw from an article saying that many conflicts start from conversation, especially in msn or sms, although mine start in reallife.. this article mentioned that words are actually only 7% of our conversation... others are made up of face expression, body language, tone, signs, eye, and more... lol i dunno how they came up with the figure, some machine? but anyway, body language and facial expression and etc, really do play a part in conversation... and cuz of that, i feel that some ppl are just despising me.. some are being arrogant, some hypocrite and lying, some backstabbers... aw i hate them all... or maybe i am wrong? but it is normal for ppl to be angry when someone say thanks and gave them a "fuck off" look... right?

ah.. since i am playing ragnarok, maybe sometime will change my blogskin to ragnarok skin.. haha see how first ba...


caught in the rain at 8:27 PM


Friday, July 24, 2009

haha i slept early yesterday.. too tired.. woke up today to file english file and study for geo test..

lucky mother wake up and cook for me.. if not i have to fill myself with the msg noodle..

it feels so good.. raining weather.. nice music.. nice going stuff.. nice food.. haha didnt expect to enjoy those in o lvl period.. even though it is short haha!

going school soon lo.. hope can do well in geo and oral today!


caught in the rain at 6:17 AM


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

been a few days since i posted... anyway a lot happened...

i really like my new bag haha.. it is comfortable.. and it is really big...
listening compre chinese... quite easy.. easier than wat i expected by quite a lot... lucky la haha since my oral really flunk..

at first i didnt think iw anted to go prom night... but after talking to a lot ppl... i feel like going le.. but then need spend a lot money wor..!! roar!

o lvl is coming soon.. or rather prelim.. and i really learnt a lot from mr singh.. really can learn a lot each lesson.. but then again.. i haven do my tys.. and bran already do finish!

in this few days.. i also learnt that one should control wat he say.. last time i always think that, ah dun be a hypocrite or wat.. just be straight and forward and honest with everyone, nature will guide u... but no way... being so true is not a good thing, sometimes it can be offensive, sometimes it will hurt ur ownself.. so it is good to hide something everytime.. but i am not used to it.. no choice, i dun wanna offend anyone nor make myself feel bad..

and yeah the test on friday about geo i haven study yet.. tomorrow will memorise like siao. haha

recently play bnet a lot with wl.. haha my dota skills are detiorating... then again, i cant wait to play ragnarok after Os... but i scared it is a pay to play game.. haha

haha yeah and today is the listening comprehension for chinese... somehow i find the music b4 the exam is very nice.. very soothing... and a lot ppl say it is boring and makes them wanna sleep.. urmm issit me or that the music is really nice? seriously i still find the music played quite nice..

nowadays i have been watching the anime Gintama.. well it is very nice.. but cuz of this i havent been catching up other anime i watching.. like naruto, OP, bleach, hitman reborn these all...

life has been really normal.. everyday school then back home do homework and then play games or watch anime then sleep... ah i just cant wait to finish o lvls...

i am really quite curious and excited about wat school i am going.. jc or poly, i would prefer jc.. but then which one? hmm.. will i be able to get in one? hmmmmmm.......

o yeah my blog is the same old template... not much animation nor things i could really find, or rather i havent been finding...

ah i am getting sleepy.. b4 i sleep.. let me recommend this song by PENGIN called "asa answer" really dam nice.. urmm.. but who will see my blog.. haha! anyway i am sleeping..


caught in the rain at 10:01 PM


Monday, July 20, 2009

wat the hell.. i watch gintama ( an anime) epi 153.. it showed about how the main chars could not sleep.. right after i watch that episode i got to bed.. and yet i could not sleep!!

now eating leftover prata and hot milo... hope can sleep after that..

caught in the rain at 12:34 AM


Sunday, July 19, 2009

woah dam it! a lot of the animations in my blog are not working.. only left with the ones u see.. argh!! nvm if i can i will find more.. but a bit impossible..

anyway today is like slacking all the way.. i havent finish my ws 2.3.. only learn spelling...

kinda a short day.. later


caught in the rain at 9:26 PM


Saturday, July 18, 2009

today was awfully tiring, nervertheless it is fufilling...

gone out to eat with mom, has been a long time since i eat with her.... feels so good...

then later got to amk hub and buy bag with brandon.. then later we do homework.. wah keep walking here and there from library to hub and hub to library.. dam tiring.. especially in that hot day..

especially when today i move the two tables in my room and cleaned up my room... wah use a lot of energy... lucky mother got help a bit...

dunno wat to write.. but yeah i have a new bag... dam dam big this bag... airwalk brand...

ah think i go play one or two match 1st then sleep.. later..

Gou Gou~

caught in the rain at 10:42 PM


Friday, July 17, 2009

woah! today got lotta writing.. geo and ss... haha

anyway i found the song title of a nice old chinese sad song... haha it is so nice..

and yeah tomorrow i am going to get my new bag.. not the one i found in my storeroom..

and jing ze.. play few days only so pro in dota.. i almost lose to him.. but in the end i still win haha!!

somehow i miss that pretty girl on the bus... i am sure when i grow up i will still remember her.. hahaha...

anyway.. that stupid pain in my nameless finger still not ceased yet.. wonder when will be cured...

but today overall is quite happy, just that i dun like someone who treat girls so good while ignoring the boys... zhong se qing you... obviously u infatuated her ma... still act so much.. zz disgust me..

think today i will have an early sleep... quite sleepy tho.. and yeah nites!

Gou Gou~

caught in the rain at 8:48 PM


Thursday, July 16, 2009

woah dam the stupid pus in my meat( nameless finger)... wah dam dam dam pain! whole thing swollen...

and this jenisha so stupid.. kena tricked by my bend the thumb trick! HAHAHAHA!!! ok no offence.

and stupid yue fang, ask him can come in sch, he still sarcasticly say yes la... see now in the end cannot... but nvm no blame..

i scared skill 3 le la.. everything so no format so hard to write, no standard answer, no security feeling.. anyway, i moved some pictures in this blog, and now it looks better, right?

ah i am so talented.. ok then.. later..

o ya btw, if u ever wonder why i use gou gou as a nick, i am not trying to act cute... just that there is this teddy dog in my room, that has been with me for like more than 12 yrs... there is a long story behind this thingy.. and i like this teddy dog... and it got no name, and i call it gou gou... therefore i put gou gou...

Gou Gou~

caught in the rain at 5:25 PM


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

woah mr singh teaching is so good! yeah i like him too.. haha he is fun to be with imo..

today was so slack.. and now i am doing e maths TYS since i have been keep thinking about doing yet i didnt do.. got the guilty feeling.. but now i started, i see the unit 1 TYS wah dam stupid... can even ask u the ans of one number minus one number..

sadly, morning the pretty girl didnt go on board the bus.. aw.. been dunno like 1 week + i didnt see her... and this morning, when reach school, we bunch of perverts keep looking for those victims of rain... haha!!!

and finally, i got the mood for exam now.. anyway bran didnt come today, heard that he has fever, hope he is fine.. tho i heard from ben pang that he IS fine.. so see him tomorrow ba.

Gou Gou~

caught in the rain at 5:09 PM


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

woah.. today really a lot writing.. got geo homework and ss overdue holi hw..

anyway the 'new' bag is lousy.. i hope to get a new one.. not from the storeroom tho lol..

and today after school we keep teaching senthil dirty things to talk to girl.. lol. well it was fun tho.. one wierd thing happened today is that mr oei didnt come to school... he always boast about how he is always healthy and nv take MC for 11 yrs.. haha finally he didnt come to school... scully later he say is course not mc..

now come to think of it.. i havent touch my TYS for long.. maybe saturday i going out with bran they all to do... anyone wan tag along? girls allowed only.. boys only limited to that few..

tomorrow got mr singh lesson.. i kind of like it, his teaching is dam good la to me..

haha think i go play game le.. long time no play le haha

Cheers, my most beloved dog,
Gou Gou

caught in the rain at 5:24 PM


Monday, July 13, 2009

today was quite interesting...

at first is that i am really hungry in the morning.. wonder why.. so i got to school and eat then move to class... just then i realised i had forgot about the donation letter thing and the CCA sheet thing.. haha but it was easily settled.. then sreeraj reminded me about the PISA which i really totally forgot..

the PISA was really boring, the room was so hot as one of the two air con is spoiled ( the one at back) and i was sitting at the back! then when i see the booklet, wow it was around 0.8cm thick.. scary... luckily the words is quite big compared to our usual test paper... but then there are pages that have a long long long story.. i got no choice but to read, then next page, questions regarding the passage.. wah the question is only about a small part of the passage. pek chek! but afterall i learn quite a few things in the PISA.. o ya btw PISA stands for programme international student assessment.

later i rushed back to class with sreeraj to learn about the lessons we missed.. lucky it is not much and i caught up easily. thanks to ben pang. and finally geo which we ask lots of question. poor miss chee having to entertain our question... not one but a lot of students.. well at least now we know a lot more things like how to answer questions.. o ya.. test on next friday. chinese lesson was so funny.. all the sabotage and all.. haha!

later when we decided to study about chem air chapter in school.. the canteen is closed, no choice but we have to go out and cannot study nicely in school. cuz cannot come back to school after u go outside... we have our work done on a void deck, with brandon, ben pang, sylvester and me myself. haha we ended up with how to cook food nicely...

anyway my bag is spoiling.. so i told mother.. she found a bag in the storeroom saying i could use that instead of spending money on other things.. and i changed bag.. well not that i liked it a lot.. but i hope i will like it later..

anyway i have told quite a few about my blog... this blog is quite new.. and i am proud of it cuz of the animations i put in myself without anyone's help... :)

Cheers, my most beloved dog,
Gou Gou

caught in the rain at 6:19 PM


Sunday, July 12, 2009

another day yet again...

i was suppose to study for english spelling for tomorrow and do chem and ss.. but i really got no mood. i woke up pretty early in the morning and felt that i had lots of time for today.. well it is good actually..

i did study for my spelling tho. just that chem i really cant study by myself .. so i ask bran, bp and sly to study together tomorrow.. well i hope it is all good.. haha ss teacher is gonna go after me i guess.. its been 2 weeks overdue this homework.. haha who cares.. not like anyone can understand her teaching. well miss mok has resign for some reason.. hope she is alright.. afterall she is a good teacher. hmm miss munira keeps on rushing the chapters.. dont think i would really understand.
i am worried for my o lvls.. hope i am able to pull through it...
anyway i got 20 points for my cca point.. which means i can get 2 bonus point.. this is really a good thing. and it has been a long long long time since i play basketball.. last friday i played 1 hour of bball and i got so tired... maybe its cuz of the scorching sun ba..
and yeah.. by creating this blog i learnt a lot about the template stuff.. haha it is very fun!

mother resign and now boss ask her back... she is totally busy and feeling bad the whole day i guess.. pray to god that she is alright ba.. today she have to work till 10 pm.. i guess i will be asleep by the time she is home.

aw.. as i type.. i feel hunger.. ok ba i go eat later.. :)

Cheers, my most beloved dog,
Gou Gou

caught in the rain at 5:02 PM


Saturday, July 11, 2009

today is my first day feel like blogging..

and this is the first time i open a blog not because to rant my anger.. well i am glad i am not angry now..

last week thursday.. my o lvl chinese oral... haiz i really cant say anything out.. i keep forcing myself. and in the end i keep "jerking" with my words.. i cant think of any ideas.. i was at a lost man..

well i pushed the blame to being the last of that day and being too hungry and the examiner sucks.. well it is true to quite an extent..

anyway lets move on.. next week, meaning 2 more days i have english spelling test.. well i hate these most..

actually i wanted to blog because i find it good and interesting to record down things in life, to show other people.. i got interested just by reading other peoples blogs... haha its nice tho.

anyway.. lets just end my post here.. will continue posting and keep this blog alive, although i dun think there will be any people reading! haha!

Cheers, my most beloved dog,
Gou Gou

caught in the rain at 11:30 PM


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