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Friday, January 29, 2010


haha so fun sia srjc... at first during the posting day, i even appeal to go nyjc.. but now dun wan le haha.. super fun really..

1st day i go, very very positive attitude, everything also not scared, with the mindset to meet new friends.. however, i did not stay calm for long... in the hall, which is our meeting place, very very scary the atmosphere, everyone dunno each other, pretty girls also dun dare too look at, wah dam scary... then i try striking a conversation with the person in front of me, who happens to be my best friend in JC josiah!!! haha i got my face getting all hot, super nervous... but ok he can carry out a conversation very smoothly O.o

haha then comes the getting to know ur friend stuff... of cuz the ice breakers and the name games... wah actually during those ice breaking thing and name games, i wan like very high le... deep down inside i already very high liao... then i act one calm, later history repeat itself... like how i am in sec sch there goes " HI I AM TAN KAH SHENG FROM MARIS STELLA HIGH SCHOOL PRIMARY!" nono later ppl laugh again... then i act one calm and regain my composure... well lucky got one pretty girl sit beside me, amanda, i also good friend with her now! maybe cuz she is a retainee, thats why she not scared of anything la... ok so the games goes on later when amanda and i are the only louder ones... then this atmosphere got influenced to a girl called jia yuan... haha she like also very high... very friendly also!

and within one hours since the ice breaking orientation thing, i know everyone le... basically i am the so called most well known and famous in my orientation group... ok later everyone got to know each other...

later then comes the presentation thing that make us sit for so long that our butts and legs are all numb and pain.. haha anyway gotta dye my hair back...

o later on the first day, cheng kiat who i dun really know well, smile so evilly at me... and somehow we made friends lidat... now josiah, cheng kiat and i are very good friends haha!

o ya then next day, which is today... shermin and amanda are close with we 3.... o ya shermin is another shermin from we know at sgs... and we learn to sing some song and cheers... hmm very fun tho.. and i lead the cheers for one time haha.... i rocks!!

hmm then there is this cca thing... i wonder what should i join... canoeing? but 3 training days... bball? sounds boring now... ROAR!!

and and i am in the DRACO house!!!! ok la but is really fun... and my orientation group leaders are kelly and faith!!... faith is such a nice name man... really dam nice... and kelly... for ur info KELLY IS A MALE! dun believe go check my facebook!

ok but so far.. jc is super super super super fun... haha but next next week need to study le... btw... PEOPLE CALL ME ZACH NOW!!!! haha so different...
will end off here ba..


caught in the rain at 9:15 PM


Friday, January 15, 2010

after walking from hougang to my house (serangoon).. i went to supermarket buy meet, yoghurt and apple drink... go home make my fruit yoghurt and freeze it... then cook rice, cook meat (super nice taste), wash my bag, wash my shoe, then bath... i did so many things and done everything super well... Godly Zach Tan K.S

caught in the rain at 10:48 PM


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hmm so many things happened after the last post...

lets start with the new year... well i was rather bored and feeling nothing special during the new year.. i stayed at home and all, but after i switched on the tv and increase the volume, the atmosphere start coming... haha but slept soon after that..

another thing was this, i am actually quite scared of dark, but of course not to a severe condition... it was since that night then i do not scared of darkness as much as last time... it was this i went chomp chomp to eat with sheena, jordan and jiayun... we ordered so much! haha in the end wasted lots of food... ah thats bad... but nevertheless a nice experience.. then was invited to watch movie with sheena, jun fa, barry, nur and li yang... haha i watched sherlock holmes with nur and barry... a nice movie but i cant really understand wat they are saying, all those accent and all... i am quite impressed by barry and nur, they understand every word they said... but o well at least i get the story.. haha

it was quite late at night, then there are not many bus left... in the end we decided to take 74 to hougang mac and have our supper... after that walked from hougang to my house (serangoon) with liyang and nur.. but nur house is not far away from the mac... it may sound far as it is walking by foot afterall.. however liyang and i keep chatting all the way and we reached in an instant! after that liyang went home and i am left alone to explore since i wanted... i walk until further and further... it was like 4am... b4 i knew it, i reached lorong ong lai ( i dunno how spell)... i was rather scared since i am bad with directions and all and it was all dark with no ppl around...

i quickly walk back, hasten my pace, blast my earpiece (was listening to music from phone) to calm myself down.... but i nv got the direction back... i keep trial and error and finally reached home... but it is sort of scary, u can feel the "pressure of darkness"... it is not any darkness like in ur house, there is this unknown pressure making u think that u are slowly being "devoured"... summore some houses decorate until so eerie... but at least i got home, and from then on i am not that afraid of darkness...

okok now that aside, lets talk about o lvl results... i was expecting a big event thing... but not really much.. i was shocked that i got only 16 for l1r5 tho... i was expecting a 13... but anyway i still am able to go in serangoon jc ( i think and hope )... but i put 1st choice and nanyang jc cuz afterall it is a better place...but the cut off point is 10! and after my cca my score is only 14... argh! thats alot... but jeston told me in anderson (the cut off point also 10) got ppl who is also 14 with no talent on any specific thing... gave me some hope haha..

o ya nowadays, i have been reading books, since playing games is so boring to me now... one nice book i am recommending is "Secret to the millionaire mind" (or somethign lidat) written by T.Harv Eker.... well the book is very straight to the point and very educational... learn about how ur life is and all, reading these kind of self-improvement books can really learn alot and give a big impact in ur life... thats when i started to have confidence in opening a business..

well my plan for my future is that i am going into banking then to business... not dentistry anymore (since i hate memorising stuff and all)...

and... today, i went to california gym with my bro, in novena.. haha its fun..

anyway hope i can successfully appeal for nanyang jc.. anyway tomolo i am summiting my JAE..


caught in the rain at 12:31 AM


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