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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

arghh dam it... everytime i say i didnt study no one believe.... then i am labelled as the "at-home-mug-then-say-nv-study"... wtf

good grades doesnt mean must study right.. in class listen to teacher, do ur tutorial.. can get my grade already wat.. if i study can get better grade of cuz... zzzz hate these ppl..

i shall start studying now.... hmmph!


caught in the rain at 5:07 AM


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

my eye got a bit wet watching K-on! haha nice episode!!

been a long time since it is like this...

caught in the rain at 9:53 PM


Monday, August 16, 2010


love it! i am so so so so so so so tired.... all started from saturday.. i went with my group for pw meeting then back to home and continue doing pw... altogether is 15 hours... (not 12 hours)... then sleep for 9 hours and then YOG!! taekwondo YOG rocks! amazing.. YOG is simply amazing! i dunno how to explain in words.. u have to watch it.. man rocks man... but there is this Iran guy who back out for some unknown reasons during the GRAND FINAL!!! wat a pity!

then today the amazing day.. i did a pyramid of 6 pull up set... extremely hard haha.. then went to eat with my friends.. ah my friends in jc rocks so much love them... and then went to gym!! muahahaha

now i am super tired and i am going to do my pw.. wait b4 that.. why am i blogging suddenly? even if i am this tired..

because the mood now is extremely good.. even tho it will be better if i have a girlfriend.... i cook my nice meal, super nice soup with rice, super nice meat, and super nice scrambled egg... everything cook to perfection.. and i am listening to this super nice song "fei ni mo shu" waaaaah huat ar!!

ok gotta end here and continue eating...


caught in the rain at 8:27 PM


Sunday, August 15, 2010


13 hours straight of PW.... finally get to sleep...


caught in the rain at 12:50 AM


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

been very active in this blog nowadays... this morning just posted something.. anyway... yeah.. have lots of extreme high and extreme down lately.... why? i dunno...

well this morning, as said, i have been feeling very wierd.. to be exact is down... i drank coffee in hope to hype up myself... but not really... i felt very lonely in the bus... i put on my earpiece, look out to the window... i wondered to myself how will i interact with my friends today... am i gonna be extra crazy today? emotionless? or just my normal self... well turned out to be quite normal...

the mood in sch was good... the torch was bought to our sch... performances and speech... well after a while we just go to have some food as pizza hut... saw serene.... well mixed feelings of happy to see a friend unexpectedly, but wierd to have my other friend witness this.... but anyway it was fun too..

my mood has become back to normal by this time.. then went to sing k... at first tot no space.. but lucky the guy good, arrange room for us.. extra large u know!

was dam happy at the k... after that went home.. ah i just went to check the bus location, and then the girls is gone... nv say bye bye to them, felt a bit bad... like no manners.. but anyway dun think they will rmb...

in the bus i felt extremely lonely... maybe cuz i am hungry.. or what.. i dunno... i think it is the lack of love... i have no super close friend, no girlfriend, and my mother and i cold war... then is when i tot of gougou.. i appreciate it, but thats when i tot to myself, i need a girlfriend... how i hope i can get one... but my appearance, bring down my confidence.. ah nvm..

after eat become back to normal again.. i just hope i am able to continue my life happily at all times in future...!


caught in the rain at 9:12 PM


10 mins left to reach bus stop... i am still here unprepared.. but anyway... the emotional me has decided to pen down the thoughts of today..

gougou is dry, i woke up dry too... too dry indeed...
i was hungry... went buy something to eat and drank some coffee... been ages since i drank a nice cup of coffee...
today is the day i am going to meet up with people again.. because of some events...
well before that.. i have the urge to sprint.. i wan to run away from everything... just for a few seconds i want to feel it again.... but then thats when i am happy... but nvm the feel is enough...

guess i am emotional cuz of coffee... anyway 2 minutes passed... gotta prepare..


caught in the rain at 10:54 AM


Monday, August 9, 2010

today is a bad day... gougou is drenched again...

first thing on my mind today when i woke up is homework... but first i am hungry, so went to cook myself a burger for breakfast... everything was a mess up... but nvm tho it doesnt taste good, it is still edible... ok after the bad breakfast, i had a nap...

after nap i straight away do homework... aw.. econs homework is so time consuming.. i do and do until midnight then finish...

during evening... some things happened... mother being very inconsiderate... thats when i wished to have a goddess by my side... argh... but nvm got gougou at least... my one and only true friend..

everything feel so wrong.. i am sick... spam panadol... even panadol have to buy myself... 5.50 dollar so ex...

but anyway i just finshed econs... still got chem.. lucky chem very little homework.. and there is maths.. maths is something i am starting to not able to catch up now.. maybe gotta start revising... and there is physics... lucky only 6 questions for physics...

lets hope for better things tomolo...


caught in the rain at 11:59 PM


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

haha been a bit active here lately... well... today wanna post cuz i wanna post something in facebook.. but dam the word limit.. so i think just post here! haha

today i was looking back a bit... photos when i was fat, songs that used to be my favourite..
now after hearing those songs, these songs became my favourite again! and yeah the thing i wanna post is the lyrics of the songs.. here is goes


The park seemed reserved just for the two of us on our way home

I watch you when you’re in high spirits

I asked you “If the world should be destroyed…what would you do?”

You don’t say a thing and hold my wrist tight

Hey…Turn this way

Our lips are too close, my heart is hammering.

No matter what, no matter when

I will accept you, even if you’re heartbroken and crying.

Even if I have to go against the world, I will protect you.

I love you. We don’t need words,

Your last kiss is always with me.

I can’t help we part ways, I know that.

Puff your cheeks and let go of my hand,

I have to go.

Hey…Turn this way

Our lips are nearing, my heart is hammering.

Even me, when I’m with you I become stronger

Love is a strange magic, I’m not scared at all.

Even if I have to go against the world, I won’t say a thing

Stand by me. It must always be you, to stand beside me.

Ah, with such a face you ask me “Hey, when I become old, would you still kiss me”

When that happens, I’ll be the same way.

I’ll never let go of your hand,

No matter what, no matter when,

I will accept you,

Even when you’re heartbroken and crying,

Even if I have to go against the world,

I will protect you.

I love you, we don’t need words,

Your last kiss is always with me.

sweet isnt it! super nice !!!! thats why i love Tegomass!! they rox!!!

k gotta sleep now.. still got hw to do tomolo morning!


caught in the rain at 9:28 PM


Monday, August 2, 2010

peew.... my heart has been flying and sinking nowadays...

ah, anyway this blog has more ppl reading now haha....
yeah o ya wanxin, of cuz this blog is where i talk to myself, of cuz will know more bout me.. so tell me urs eh? haha nvm if u dun feel like telling...

anyway music really rocks! need to have music when studying to concentrate, need to have music to relax, need to have music to let thoughts run wild.. ah music rocks!

nowadays, i keep having the urge to play Ragnarok... i am referring to Ragnarok Online, and the comic sketch on my blogskin is actually a sketch on ragnarok character, and yeah they really looks like this in the game, thats why it is awesome!!

some ask if i really keep this blog, yeah i always keep it, i have like 6-7 dead ones tho... haha those 6-7 blogs were created when i was feeling very sad or down and then it is used to rant my frustrations there....

nowadays i also keep asking around the rating of who and who... haha so fun... ppl tot i playing game -.- but anyway by asking around i can know who is more attractive in terms of character and all... well i am not that bad afterall.. ppl rate me on average 7, i always tot i am around 3... bleh.. but since taking account into them not wanting to hurt my feeling, my actualy rating is about 5-6? yeah about there... well not bad already... if u wan to know other ppl in s19, ask me privately.. haha ^^

yeah, i mentioned that been feeling lots of ups and lots of down too... well been feeling down cuz i realised all the friends i have is at most only this close, i dun really have a super close, or what they call a true friend... some say one may not find a true friend the whole lifetime, some say it only depends on urself... hmm maybe my true friend will be my wife, but o well i have one know, tho he cant talk... he is gougou!! the dotted dog on my desk! he is made of cotton and some fur which doesnt drop, u can even breathe in with the body stuck to ur nose and no hair will go in!! muahaha! and it is also made with pails and pails of tears, 98% sadness, 2% happiness... well thats my past...

yeah been feeling down also cuz today mum was very not tactful with her words... there is this class fund thing in my class... then everytime we have to collect $50 to fund up the class fund... well u know even if it is JC money is needed to buy books, i know poly need more money... but that doesnt mean JC need no money...

i even spent all my savings to fund up the class fund, as in my part only, i tot 吃哑巴亏(sacrifice a little without saying out) everyone will be happier... but no! exact opposite!! dam it all! cuz i used to use my own money to buy my notes, then when i run out of my own savings which is suppose to be used to buy the items i wished for very long.... then when i run out of money, and i ask her for money, i tot she will gladly give, but no! she keep asking and all... she even seriously suspect i would use the money to play or buy cigarretes and all... wtf! just cuz my bro is a genius doesnt mean i am, i also need to put in effort to get into a jc from a freaking lousy sch with freaking bad influence... i am glad i didnt become a geek or gangster from that sch... and yet she accuse my despite my effort and my goodwill... then of cuz the very straightforward me shouted back, and then i went to bath and all... but i feel guilty afterwards... cuz she is caring afterall.. she is my mother afterall.. but of cuz not that guilty now after saying all out here..(maybe thats why i havent gone crazy despite everything)

yeah i also mentioned i been feeling great, thats cuz there is more and more music around me... o ya, HATE IT WHEN PPL JUST ASK ME SHUT UP WHEN I JUST STARTED SINGING! fuck off! u mean only ppl who sing well get to sing? then i might as well be a singer.. for god sake singing is a form of entertainment, just like some ppl like to joke, some ppl like to play games, same for singing... it is not like my singing sux so much that make u suffer... i also not taking ur happiness away from u when i sing... fuck off! yeah and my handphone really got good songs...

o ya near the corner is the WIll run, which just ended, freaking sucky... the stress i got when i run, aw... so i just keep running, i actually felt dizzy already.. but i just keep running, i already prepared to faint. the weather was so freaking hot... my muscle isnt listening to me.. this is my first time i walk while running cuz of muscle tired not cuz of breathlessness.... but really gotta thanks nurul, cheered really loud for me... maybe cuz imitating me? but o well a cheer is still a cheer, i appreciate it well..

hmm... i am blogging now cuz facebook dunno why cannot go in.... arghh.. but anyway test tomolo.. and tons of homework, just hope this week would past by quickly.. roar!!

and Mr Tan gave us this econs jotter book, comes with checklist, well looks nice and appreciate it! *checks price* wow $10... really a lot.. thanks Mr Tan!

anyways i will stop here... hope everything goes well for me in the future road... sleeping soon!


caught in the rain at 6:50 PM


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