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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

a rant!

why do ppl like to put their happiness onto someone's sadness?

how can people just ignore others? dun they feel anything?

i really hate it when i sing and then people laugh at how sucky i sing it... not like it really sux a lot tho... "if i really sing well i will be a singer already" thats what she said, and she laughed... so sarcastically and so arrogantly... so if i excel in other things compared to others, i am given the rights to laugh so arrogantly? hey cmon then i will be laughing non stop... why cant they grow up in the head..?!?!

and why do people ignore me just as when they feel like it? cmon i asked a question, u either gimme a shrug if u dun feel like answering, if not answer! don u feel anything? dam these "skin" potential hypocrites....


caught in the rain at 5:05 PM


Sunday, September 19, 2010

ho~ usually blogging about anime... how about i blog about how anime relates with life...

nowadays.. i keep having the feeling of loneliness creeping up on me... really lonely... will start hugging my bag then... argh... dunno why too.. but that is when i start pondering over so many things...

why is that teacher so hated? why does she appear irritating? maturity, what is it? how to enjoy life? how to be successful?

for some, i have found that answer.. well it is just MY answer, not urs.. but let me share..

i have got a teacher who appears irritating and demanding.. most of the people doesn't like her... could be due to her voice? could be not... then i start observing her... (yeah i like to observe people, will elaborate more later) and i found out that, to me, she is transparent, i could see her intention and thoughts for her every actions..

well i would not say this is 100% accurate, but this is the impression she gives me with body language. she wants everything to be in her way, without hearing to people advice... she wants to be "good" to us, but her heart doesn't... earlier i said that anime relating life right? yeah and there it goes.. in anime, even though it is just an animation, it has interesting and exciting plots, sometimes even teaching us the way of life.... some i found really does seems true... at first i thought that when u do good, NO matter if ur heart wants or anot, people will appreciate it.. but it appears not... we can only succeed if we put our heart and soul into it...

and yeah one last thing is, i find she is very immature.... maturity, what is it?

a lot ppl say a mature person does not act childish.... i think otherwise.... i realise that a lot ppl judge a person maturity by his actions and words... but i tend to judge the person maturity by his thoughts... i would not say i am very matured... but i have a more mature thnking than most of the people... and what is maturity? to me maturity is the ability to judge right from wrong... not that everything has right and wrong... but the best possible action to be taken... thats maturity right?

well i still dunno how to enjoy life, but i think i know how to be successful, because all the successful people say the same thing... hard work, high expectations, grab opportunity, get out of comfort zone, take a step at a time.... and many many more... dam i forgot some...

anyway... just cant stand people who are childish, people sing song, people crack jokes, why wanna put these people down? they might not sing well, but they enjoy doing it.. so u enjoy putting people down?

o ya in facebook i put this line down "it is not the laughter that matters, but what u laughed at" yeah... this is so meaningful, btw i thought this out myself.... just hope that someone gets the hint.... actually this is to suan those arrogant people... i always say i am a person who likes to show off but i am not arrogant... many people reply "whats the difference?!"

ok here is the difference, imagine person A and person B.... B talks to A, and A looks down on B due to some reasons.... and then just laughed through his nose on everything B said.... well that is arrogance, and the arrogant one is A.

what is show off? it is A and a bunch of group of friends, A scored full marks for the super hard difficult test while everyone just failed badly.... then A run around happily and keep showing his score to his friends.... A is being a show-off.... but is that bad? if u dun be happy about what u achieved, then what for u achieve? then u expect A to be sitting down there and smile to himself? is that satisfaction? cant his bunch of friends just praise him for once? is praising so difficult? are their face so thick? and by asking these questions, is being matured.

o ya... i also saw one advertisement ytd, it was about giving excuses.... that was a great advertisement, NEVER GIVE EXCUSES IF U WANNA BE SUCCESSFUL!

ok thats all, and end of promo is just 13 days away!!


caught in the rain at 10:49 AM


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

hoo.... i really started revising... starting with my maths this week.. and i revised until mathematical induction... skipping binomial tho.. since it takes really long time to revise that.. will leave it at the end... hmm lets hope i can get good grade this time...

anyway.. its anime craze!! ok la i just watch finish "law of ueki" and it is kind of a great anime... and this has somehow made me to write a review on it.. my first anime review despite my passion for anime...

Plot: 8/10

the thing i always look out for in an anime.. and is one of the most impt stuff.... well overall it is quite decent... some things are thought out of the box.. but not really so fantastic thats why only an eight..

Character: 9.5/10

superb character, well personally i hate emo main characters... and this main character is totally different from what i hate.. really is superb main character.. the ueki in the anime is very easy going, putting friend in front of him and is always doing good deeds, nv gaining credit when it is not his... just the character i wanna be.. and he is very humorous too!!
other than main character, there is this kobasen, his teacher, and god, both are great characters with the easy going and serious at work attitude.... also there is this bad guy called anon, well he turned out to be kind of good at the end... what i like is that there is no really bad guys in the anime.. and all the bad things that the "bad" people do has at least some logic in it.. and not those "i wanna destroy the world cuz its fun" reasons... but not full marks cuz there is this character mori ai, a very good character also, but one thing i dun like is her irritating character, worry too much le... other than kuroshitsuji, this is like the anime with the best characters i have watched so far..

Animation and directing : 9/10

this is the part i look out for MOST in all animes... superb anime editing skills... the music plays at the correct time, the way the anime carries the story is just great.. i gave 9 not 10 is cuz that there is some scene from other anime win this, like the episode 19 of kuroshitsuji when sebastian was captured and episode 85 of naruto shippuden (if i nv rmb wrongly) showing shikamaru going very sad after asuma's death... those are really great animation skills, worth taking a look at it especially for video editors!

humor 10/10

super great humor!!! no cold jokes, no fail attempts for laughter, it is like the joke is not really carried out as a joke, but rather how the character says it becomes very funny... great humor! making the anime worth watching for 20 hours straight!!

opening and ending and theme songs 10/10

super great songs to go with the anime, simply amazing song

ending 9.5/10

personally i dislike sad endings, because it makes ppl sad... i also dun like straight endings which leaves the audience a lonely feeling, this is especially after u watch finish one anime... the ending was amazing! it was a supposedly sad ending, and it turned out that due to some out of the box thinking and some luck that it became a super great ending.. also everything are reported nicely to the audience, i like it a lot.. not to mention the last part of the ending which leaves me thinking for quite a time... but not a 10/10 because the ending from "itazura na kiss" is greater than this one...

overall a very nice anime, could be better with better graphics... overall rating 8.5/10

ok gonna sleep now muahaha feel so good giving an anime review... been wanting to do this for a long time... will be giving more reviews in future!


caught in the rain at 10:10 PM


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