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Sunday, March 20, 2011

been so long since i blog! wx why u block ur blog?!?! roar!! haha

anyway things now has been going quite crazy... all the events, fluctuations in health, studies rushing... ahhhhh

its holiday!!!! but dun feel anything near it... hmmph!! how i wish i got all the time in the world... i wanna do so many things!!! i wanna learn cooking, learn baking.. i wanna have all the money to spend.. i wanna do so many things... hmmph!!! but anyway gotta sleep soon.... tomorrow still gotta do homework!! hmmph!


caught in the rain at 12:49 AM


Friday, February 4, 2011

yoooO!! i am missing orientation already!!! just like many other OGLs...

but hey because of this orientation thing... my social circle just widen by a huge leap.. and suddenly i feel that ia ms o lucky that i am almost closer to everyone by 1 step...

hmm! orientation was really fun... 1st day sucks tho... all the admins and briefings and all.. bored the J1s... gave them bad impression...

but the 2nd day rocks cuz everyone was so high... ORION 6!! we won all the station except 1 lost.. and 2 draw.. aww the 2 station that draw sucks! really!!

one station was the wat acid river thing.. shit thing that u have to put 6 pieces of news paper and cross to the other side.. same for the opponent team.. then the stupid Game facil nv say instruction properly.. we tot that must cross faster than the other team... not that both team must cross within a time limit... then he still has the nerve to scold my OG!! but anyway that was when i first felt like a father... really.. i didnt really treat them like my sons and daughters.. but when the GF scolded them.. i felt so hurt inside.. but anyway my debrief rocks la... like teach them dun anyhow say sorry these all.. no need too kind hearted and all... like how a father would educate their children.. but anyway those just came out so naturally... didnt really plan it out...

next is this stupid chopstick station.. also the last station

everyone was super tired in my group.. but due to our super strong bond.. we all are happy and decided to win this one last station.. it was to steal a chopstick from the opponent team without getting ours stolen.. while we have to lock our arms together... the opponent team.. 2 shits! tho generally they are already super rough.. but there is this stupid indian girl who is so rough and hurt one of my group member.. then her hip got elbowed... physically injured! then there is this stupid stalker who keep stalking this small girl in my group since pri sch.. then still touch her leg while takign the chopstick and made her cry cuz she phobia of him... emotionally injured!
dam them! i felt so helpless and all.. dunno what to do... couldnt stop them cuz i didnt know until they got injured... then there is this handsome guy, also my last year OGL's bro, bernard.. he keep protecting the girls with all he got.. really with all he got.. touching la..

in the end.. the girls still gave us this memo and chocolates to us OGL.. so touching!! roar!!

then the next 2 days is just my CG... not really bonded.. quite sucky.. i ownself high nia.. missed the O6.. but last day was fun.. all the house time.. jokes.. dance.. craziness and movies under the star.. which was more like chatting under the stars...

ok thats all for orientation..

but anyway nowadays i find that a lot ppl are getting closer to me.. opening up more to me.. feel dam happy man.. am i finally not a lone wolf? aw.. lets see how man..

still got the weekend to be busy.. studies.. test.. homework.. and health! my health sucks now.. my fitness dropped..

after 2 weeks of junk food.. i went to run 2km today.. did just 1 set of pyramid for pull up, 1 superset for push up, and some sit ups... and i felt so shit.. so dam tired.. is totally cuz i lack of nutrition and i didnt exercise for the past 2 weeks.. really regretted it... and no bananas!! dam no stock..

things has been going quite smoothly for me.. i hope it continues!

anyway i got 186 dollar for new year ang bao this year.. compared to others, it is actually super good already... but anyway that 186 included of my mothers 80 dollar ang bao.. and my father didnt gimme ang bao! at least gimme a 2 dollar ang bao for the sake of tradition right? wtf sia.. and yeah i am now so confident in front of my relative.. everyone was talking about how slim i am now.. haha and now i can converse with them very easily.. but anyway it is all good now! haha.. gotta sleep soon le! tmr gotta study hard and train hard!!

sweet dreams and nites to me

caught in the rain at 10:11 PM


Saturday, January 29, 2011

omg i have like 2 mins left to type...

just a summarized one... gonna add on another full post later...

ORIENTATION ROCKS!!! not just cuz it is fun... my OG rox... they are so quiet and shy on the first day.. then after that 2nd day all so bonded together... all those going to appeal chose not to appeal... they rox... they even give me a memo notebook with everyone writing something in there and 2 nice chocolate.. we only gave them like a 3 dollar chocolate for everyone to share lol...

they are so freaking good!!! and the feeling u have when u successfully led one group of ppl is so dam great, i also understand how it feels like to be a parent, or at least i felt a tint bit of it.... it hurts to see them get injured physically or emotionally... ahhh anyway they rox and i rox!!!

Cheers! ORION!

caught in the rain at 8:47 AM


Saturday, January 22, 2011

blogging on behalf of ytd..

help 4 times, but repayed with evil for 4 times

sometimes i just wish i have some powers, and i will definitely make the world a better place


caught in the rain at 7:24 AM


Thursday, January 20, 2011

its thurday!! another day for another challenge! haha!

this is a 5 min buffer period for my hard boiled egg to be done... hmm yeah, i am bringing food to sch nowadays! cuz i wanna get down my lifestyle right and nice!

healthy lifestyle is really so important... dunno how to emphasize it... i dunno maybe it is because of i slim down or that nutrition is just so important, that i managed to run 2.4km at a timing of 10.47 which is faster than anyone in s19, except javier who he actually last round he stomachache so he slowed down and i overtook him... but in fact he is much faster than that...

but seriously... 12.48 to 10.47? wow... but anyway i am waking up 3 or 4 o clock every morning to cook my own breakfast, my lunch that is to bring to sch everyday, and studying... then go to sch and aftersch maybe some exercise then i go back to sleep.. and the same thing happen again... everything is great except for the lack of sleep HMMPH!

but anyway i am glad i can actually make up some simple and super healthy meal.... steam fish, steam egg with minced meat, dry pan fry egg with minced meat, my very own super nice burger, salad with curry flavored chicken, and of cuz sometimes when i am lazy i will open my can of tuna and baked beans... ahh all are so healthy...

and yes today i am making egg and tuna mayo... which is super easy to make and exactly cuz i feel lazy... o ya not to forget about my banana case! haha which looks like some sex toy or what.. but nevertheless useful...

update on my weight, 79kg, and out of wellness... finally.. where got ppl in wellness do over 20 pull ups.. pui

ok anyway gotta go sch chiong hw liao...


caught in the rain at 5:31 AM


Saturday, January 15, 2011

so so so many happenings nowadays...

ok lets talk about the thing on the top of my mind..

spirits, ghost, gods, religions.... those are the things i am most afraid of and most curious about...

when i was young, till recently, i did not believe in the existence of any of them... however, maybe from the influence of my peers and friends, i have shifted to the middle, the zone where i am stuck and confused...

well i always believe in logic and science, cuz it explains everything about life, but what about those stories my friends told? hmm... anyway, this just aroused my curiousity, and when i have the time, i am definitely going to visit different religions to find out more about these all, but of course, above anything else, i respect them.

now... 2011 has come, so there is a new class... first impression was that it is gonna be a fun class... but after a few days, i find it rather not.... my 1s19 mates are acting wierd, sometimes i feel left out, sometimes i feel scared... but anyway i am a lone wolf to begin with.... but still... i now know what to do already... why didnt i thought of it earlier? hmm, guess i just became more matured by a notch...

o ya there is this new GP teacher, Ms R! she is awesome, very nice teaching and consulting... a very very good teacher! and my cca, has changed coach, to a very good one.. to sum up, my previous coach was slack, popular, but i did not like her actually... the new one, strict, but i like him... ok anyway thats all...

ok here comes the part that i actually wanna talk about the most... communication!

i find that a lot ppl do not know the true meaning of communication.. sounds easy eh? a word commonly used and heard? but if u think deeper, communication is really a profound thing... let me just share what i found out about it... and there may be more to be discovered...

communication is like the only method that bond us human together... love? friendship? relationship? family ties? all of these are worthless if there is no communication, cuz only with communication can we build those bonds.. why?

if u do not understand the person, how are u gonna love him/her? will u even befriend a stranger? go into a relationship with that person? even family members are just nothing because they are the same as strangers without communication of course...

this is because we communicate to understand others better.. ever thought of why people who are happy tends to get even happier while those who are depressed get even more depressed? because those who are happy communicate more, through their body language (they move more when happy), words (they talk more when happy), and mix around with other ppl more... when depress one tends to be alone, talk less and express lesser.... thus they communicate... no one to understand these depressed people makes them even more depressed, more people to share joy makes one even happier...

communication is really so profound... maybe thats how conflict happens...

ok anyway i just found the time to tidy up my room, and bought some stuff from daiso (it rocks!) and now my room is nice! haha tomolo gonna wake up early after 6 hours of sleep only :(

so gotta sleep soon! nights!

Zach Tan Kah Sheng

caught in the rain at 12:41 AM


Tuesday, December 28, 2010


today is a GREAT DAY!

first off... i dream of a very cute girl.. hmm somehow my ideal girl..!! muahahahahaha!
here is the dream, summarized one...

bball training water break, lining up for water cooler cuz thirsty... finally my turn... then this newcomer, a girl, peck me on the cheek then keep talking to me... she hug my arm while we move to the next training place.. btw she said "EWW so sweaty... Hey you know a lot ppl think u very handsome..... wah ur muscle big sia.."

she has very short hair, dyed dark golden brown.. fair skin big eyes, calf muscle rather big.. great toned figure.. a bballer of cuz.. BUT THE THING IS I FORGOT TO ASK HER NAME!!!

ok then when i woke up... did my usual wash up, and my gum hurts! must be from that time i brush too hard with that super hard toothbrush.. then i cook a PERFECT soft boiled egg... IT IS REALLY PERFECT i nv saw one like this b4... let me describe.. it looks like a hard boiled egg with the egg white very jellyish... my first thought was OMG overcookeD! then i poke the egg yolk.. ALL WATERY JUST NICE!!! really perfect la!

then i ate the super healthy multi grain bread with my egg for breakfast.. then went to gym to train up! very effective! then went back home and cooked my super nice burger.. the patty is made up of a full chicken breast meat.!! imagine the amount of meat.. no oil so super healthy.. then i used my super healthy bread, with tomato, veggie, salsa then 3 chicken breast meat patty... the completed burger was about 5 - 6inch.. NOT EXASGERRATING! bigger than carls junior thick burger by a lot!

then i did my homework today SUPER FAST and effective! great man!

played dota.. 1 lousy match and others are great match! even though i lost one great match... haha super fun! kk i gonna sleep soon.. but anyway it is a great day today!!


caught in the rain at 2:33 AM


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